Selasa, 20 Desember 2011


Ogawa Tomomi (小川ともみ) dikenal dengan nama Tomomi, Timo. Lahir di prefektur Hyogo, 31 Mei 1990. Golongan darah A, tinggi badan 157 cm. Tomomi berperan sebagai bassist dan vokalis. 

Ogawa Tomomi (小川ともみ) known as Tomomi, Timo. Born in Hyogo prefecture, May 31st 1990. Blood type darah A, height 157 cm. Tomomi stands as bassist and vocals.

Gw suka dengan Tomomi karena dibalik penampilannya yang imut, dia lah penulis lirik dari sebagian besar lagu-lagu Scandal. Kemampuannya cukup mengagumkan (untuk orang yang belajar alat musik selama 1,5 tahun) Rentang vokalnya lebih luas dan memberikan sensasi yg berbeda dibanding vokal Haruna. Dia bisa menyanyikan nada rendah dan juga nada tinggi dengan baik sekali. Penampilannya di atas panggung menyenangkan. Tomomi terlihat riang dan seringkali berlarian ke sana kemari di atas panggung untuk menghibur para penonton.

What I like from Timo is that under her cute appearances, she wrote most of Scandal’s songs lyrics. Her ability is quite excellent (for someone who learns music instrument within 1,5 years). And her vocal range quite wide and gave us a different feelings than Haruna’s vocal. She could perform lower voice and sing amazingly on high notes. Her stage performance is lovable. She’s quite cheerful and always running all around the stage to entertain the audiences.
Salut untuk permainan bassnya yang ia mainkan sambil menyanyi. Pola permainan bass-nya juga kadang tidak sederhana.  Coba dengerin lagu Sakura Goodbye. Permainannya di lagu itu cukup menakjubkan.

Thumbs up for her bass play while singing along. And sometimes her bass pattern aren’t simple. You should have a listen on Sakura Goodbye. She did it amazingly excellent.

Ini dia! Beberapa bas kepunyaan Tomomi sejak ia masih belajar hingga yang sekarang dipakai:

Now I’d like to show you few from her bass collections from the first day she learn how to play it until the recent one she uses:

GIO Ibanez / GSR450 (TFB-Tri Fade Burst)
Fender Japan Jazz Bass JB75 3TS/R (3TS) 
Fender Mexico/Deluxe Active Jazz Bass (Candy Apple Red) (nick name: Yuusuke-Kun)
Fender USA / American Standard Precision Bass “TOMOMI  MODEL”
   (nick name: Sabao-Kun)
GIO Ibanez / GSR450 (TFB-Tri Fade Burst)
GIO series adalah tipe dari merek Ibanez yang berharga murah. Dijual tahun 2005 dengan dilengkapi introductory set. Bass ini mudah dimainkan oleh cewek, karena bodynya yang ringkas dan neck-nya yang kecil. Dengan kata lain,inilah bass ber-body ringkas. Bentuk body-nya yang melengkung mudah disesuaikan dengan bentuk badan. Ini tipe yang banyak dipakai oleh pemain bass cewek. Satu set untuk pemula yang dilengkapi dengan ampli, pelindung, serta tuner dijual dengan harga 15.000 yen. Harga bassnya sendiri sekitar 10.000 yen. Bass ini dipakai Tomomi hingga pertengahan era Shiroten.

GIO series is a cheap price model from Ibanez. It sold on 2005 with an introductory set. With a compact body and slim neck, women could easily play this bass. In other words, this is a compact body bass. Its curve body shape is easily fit to women body. There’s a lot of woman bass player who use this bass. The beginner set equipped with amplifier, shield and tuner sold at 15.000 yen. The bass price itself is about 10.000 yen. Tomomi use this bass until the mid era of Shiroten days.

Fender Japan Jazz Bass JB75 3TS/R
Katanya spek dari bass ini ada berbagai macam. Ada juga yg dilengkapi dengan lubang untuk finger rest di bagian pickguard­-nya. Apakah bass ini Fender Japan model JB75 3TS/R atau JB75-US 3TS/R. Sebenarnya perbedaan dari kedua tipe itu hanya pickupnya saja, buatan Amerika atau Jepang. Kita tidak bisa mengetahui hanya dengan melihatnya sekilas. Kedua tipe bass ini juga adalah model Fender Jazz Bass tahun 75 yang diproduksi ulang. Harga JB75=115.500 yen, JB75-US=1233.900 yen. 
There’s various kind of these bass spec. There’s ones equipped with finger rest hole on its pickguard. Is it Fender Japan JB75 3TS/R or JB75-US 3TS/R. The difference between both model is based on their pickups, is it American made or Japan made? We can’t tell it by looking in a glance. Both bass were reissues model of Fender Jazz Bass ’75.  JB75=115.500 yen, JB75-US=1233.900 yen. 
Bass ini dipakai Tomomi awal Juli 2007 sejak era live Shiroten hingga era indies.
Awal Maret 2008, Tomomi menempeli bass ini dengan stiker Smurf. (Gbr sblh kanan, Japan Expo Juli 2008)
Bass ini tidak lagi digunakan Tomomi di saat live setelah Juli 2008.
November 2011, bass ini mulai terlihat lagi, di gambar video seri Bass Tsuchool di situs teena.Tapi, stiker Smurfnya sudah dilepas.

Tomomi use this bass on early July 2007 since Shiroten days live era until indies era.
Early March 2008, Tomomi put Smurf sticker on this bass. (on the right picture, at Japan Expo July 2008). Tomomi didn’t use this bass anymore on their live performance after July 2008.
Apparently on November 2011, this bass was seen again on video’s screenshot picture of Bass Tsuchool series at teena website. But the sticker has been removed.

Fender Mexico /Deluxe Active Jazz Bass CAR (Candy Apple Red) (Yuusuke-kun)
Tomomi menginginkan bass yang bisa dipakai dalam rentang waktu yang lama. Baik untuk keperluan rekaman ataupun untuk live. Dia ingin mengganti pickguardnya dengan tipe black pearl. Dia ingin menambahkan strip di bodynya seperti strip yang ada di bass Mustang. Tomomi ingin memodifikasi bassnya hingga seperti bass Mustang yang disukainya. Aslinya sih, agar sesuai dengan warna bodinya yang merah, terpasang pickguard berwarna coklat tortoise. Dia merubah pola pada pickguardnya dengan glitter hitam yang berkilauan, agar bassnya terlihat menarik.
Bass ini mempunyai noiseless pickup, 3 band ekualiser sirkuit aktif, yang dapat menghasilkan multitone yang cocok dengan karakter lagu. Tomomi memiliki tangan yang kecil, karena itu ia memilih bass dengan neck yang tipis ini karena lebih mudah untuk dimainkan. Ia lalu mengganti nama bass ini dari Masaya-kun menjadi Yuusuke-kun.

Tomomi wants a bass that could be used in long span of time. Whether it’s for recording or for live performance. She wants to change the pickguard with the black pearl type. And also wants to add stripe in the body same as Mustang bass stripe. Tomomi wants to customize the bass so it would look just like her favourite Mustang’s bass. Originally on its red body, she put on a brown tortoise color pickguard so it would match with the body. But then she change the pickguard pattern with the shiny black glitter, so it would have a good looking.
This bass has noiseless pickup, 3 band active equalizer, that could create multitone accordingly, so it would fit with the song character. Tomomi has a small hand, that’s why she pick the bass with a thin neck, cause it would be easy to play. She change the nickname of this bass, from Masaya-kun to Yuusuke-kun.
Btw, Nama Masaya ini diberikan berdasarkan gambar yg dibuat Mami yg menggambarkan tipe cowok ideal Tomomi. Mami memuat gambar bass ini di blog dan menmperkenalkannya sebagai cowoknya Tomomi. Ketika Tomomi mengganti nama bass ini, anggota band yang lain menggodanya, “Kamu selingkuh ya?”.^_^. Meski telah ‘selingkuh’ dengan Sabao-kun, tapi Tomomi tetap memakai Yuusuke-kun untuk penggunaan sound yang berbeda.

By the way, Masaya’s nickname was given based on the Mami’s drawing that describe an ideal boyfriend for Tomomi. Mami upload the bass picture on the blog and introduce it as Tomomi;s boyfriend. When she change the name, the other members tease her and said, “Are you cheated?”^_^..Eventhough she has ‘cheated’ with Sabao-kun, but Tomomi still using Yuusuke-kun for a certain different sounds reason.

Harga untuk model dasarnya 115.500 yen. Bass ini diperkenalkan sebagai model American Deluxe. Banyak juga majalah yang menyebutnya dengan nama yang sama. Di bagian headnya tertulis Made In Mexico. Jadi ini adalah model Deluxe Series buatan Meksiko. Tapi sebenarnya tidak salah juga bila disebut sebagai model American Deluxe Jazz Bass. Ada kemungkinan hanya bagian necknya saja yang memang model Deluxe Series. Tapi warna Candy Apple Red ini sebenarnya tidak ada di model American Deluxe Series.

The basic model is worth 115.500 yen. This bass was introduced as an American Model Deluxe. Lots of magazine called it with the same name. On its head was written ‘Made In Mexico’. So it was a Deluxe Series made in Mexico. But then, it wasn’t wrong too if it were called as an American Deluxe Jazz Bass model. Probably the Deluxe Series model parts were found only on the neck parts. But actually, there’s no Candy Apple Red color on the American Deluxe Series model.

Fender USA /American Standard Precision Bass ‘TOMOMI Model’ (Silver Spark)(Sabao-kun)
Bass ini digunakan sejak tour September 2010. American Standard Precision Bass yang dicat dengan kilauan warna perak ini mengingatkannya pada Flea-nya RHCP. Meski warna dasarnya hitam, tapi jika berada di bawah cahaya, bass ini akan berkilauan. Head-nya pun dicat dengan warna yang sama. Pickguard yang tadinya terbuat dari Kristal diganti dengan cermin. Ketika knob-nya diputar hingga pol, soundnya akan mendekati Fender Jazz bass. Ditambahkan juga garis strip di bodynya sama seperti bass Tomomi sebelumnya. Strip inilah yang menjadikannya ciri khas Tomomi. Model custom inilah yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Scandal –‘ Tomomi Model’. Namanya Sabao-kun. Ia memutuskan untuk mengumumkannya di Twitter. Tomomi menyebut kilauannya tersebut seperti kilauan sushi ikan mackerel.

Tomomi use this bass since September 2010 tour. This shiny silver sparkling American Standard Precision Bass reminds her of Flea from RHCP. Eventhough the basic color is black, but it would shine under the lights. The head also painted with the same colors. The pickguard that were made from crystal, later were changed to mirror made pickguard. When the knob switched to its peak level, it would sound like Fender Jazz Bass. The stripe also added to its body just like her previous bass. The stripe is became Tomomi’s trademark. This custom were known as Scandal-‘Tomomi Model’. Nick name’s Sabao-kun. She decide to announce it on the Twitter. She said, that the shiny glitter was like mackerel sushi’s glitter.

1967 Fender Coronado II Bass (Red) (Koro-tasu)

Ada beberapa lagu di album Baby Action dengan sound bass yang terdengar agak semi-akustik. Seperti pada lagu Appletachi No Dengon dan One Piece. Soundnya terdengar seperti bass vintage. Gw agak penasaran bass apa yang dia pakai, karena bass yang dia miliki memiliki sound yang berbeda. Ternyata bass yang dia pakai adalah 1967 Fender Coronado II. Bass ini memiliki dua pickup dengan lubang berbentuk kunci f di bodinya yang hollow. Necknya dari kayu maple, dan fingerboard terbuat dari Indian rosewood. Tersedia dengan warna sunburst dan cherry red. Harganya sekitar USD 900. Namanya, Koro-tasu. 
Tomomi memakai bass ini sejak Februari 2011. Tomo mencari bass untuk dipakai di acara live akustik, dan kemudian perhatiannya tertuju pada bass ini. Sebuah benda antik dari tahun 1967. Bass semi-akustik yang unik sepanjang sejarah Fender. Bass Fender dengan tampilan retro dengan sensasi yang aneh. Disebutkan pula bridge-nya terbuat dari karet. Dan mungkin mereka sengaja menambah sustain-nya agar bisa mengeluarkan suara 'kayu'-nya.
Tomomi memakai senar flatwound, dan itu sudah cukup menampilkan suara akustik-nya. Bodinya terbuat dari kayu yang dikeringkan, dan katanya bisa menghasilkan suara yang bagus. Agak susah untuk membuatnya lembab, karena kayunya mudah sekali untuk dikeringkan. Ketidakstabilan tuning dan switch membuat fret-nya aus, dan perlu untuk diperbaiki.Tomomi menggunakan pick ketika memainkan bass ini saat merekam lagu 'Very Special'.

There's few songs on Baby Action albums with bass that sounded li' bit semi-acoustic. Such as on Appletachi No Dengon and One Piece songs. Its sounds like a vintage bass. I'm curious what kind of bass she used, cause the basses she had produced different sound. Apparently, the bass she use is 1967 Fender Coronado II. This bass has two pickups with F-key hole on its hollow body. The neck made from maple with Indian rosewood fingerboard. Available in sunburst and cherry red colors. The price is about USD 900. Nick name, Koro-tasu.
Tomomi use Coronado bass since February 2011. While Tomo looking for acoustic bass to be used in live performance at the acoustic corner, she stumbled to this bass. It’s a 1967’s vintage stuff. A unique semi acoustic bass in Fender history. A retro-looks Fender bass with a bizarre drifted sense. It’s  said that the bridge frame made from rubber. And they might intentionally gain the sustain to pulled out the woodbass sound-like.
Tomomi use flatwound strings, and that’s quite enough to pulled out the acoustic sound. The wood is dried up, and said it’d create a good sound. It’s hard to keep it humid, cause it's also easily drained. The instability of tuning and switch made the fret worned out, and need to be repaired. She use pick when playing this bass, and it was used in the recording of ‘Very Special’.

Squier Jazz Bass “Tomomi Model”(Blue+Stripe Line), nickname: Brutus.
Tomomi original model bass, was introduced on Nihon Budokan live concert in March 28th 2012. It was made with the certain visual, weight and sound so it could produce a sound between Jazz-Bass and Precision Bass. It’s equipped with ’62 vintage model pickup. Body from ashwood, mapleneck and rosewood fretboard. Ash characteristic pushing out the strong and tight sound of the bass. While Yuusuke-kun is an active bass type, this one is a normal passive type. The distinctive bass body part, produce a good sound. There’s 3 control knobs consist of front volume, rear volume, and tone.
Body and the head specified as a blue color matching head. It has a white pearl type pickguard and also a Tomomi’s stripe design in yellow color.By the way, until now, there’s no announcement yet from Squier regarding its selling on the market.

Tomomi’s efek dan lainnya:
Tomomi’s effect and others:
BOSS / TU-2  (Chromatic Tuner)
Tech 21 Sans Amp/ Bass Driver DI (Bass Pre-Amp/Overdrive/Direct Box)

Providence / PEC-04(Effect Controller)
Ampeg / SVT-2 PRO (Bass AmpHead)*
Ampeg/Bass Speaker Cabinet
*Tomomi kadang memakai berbagai jenis amphead.
*Tomomi occasionally using various kinds of amphead.

Sedikit hal tentang Tomomi :
Few things about Tomomi:

#Timo mulai belajar bass sejak 2006 setelah disarankan oleh gurunya di sekolah vokal & tari. 
She began to learn bass since 2006 after her teacher in the vocal&dance school she attend suggest her.

#Tomomi sebenarnya ingin menjadi penyanyi yg bisa menari seperti Namie Amuro. Tapi, karena ia suka dengan musik itu sendiri, ia menjalani posisinya sekarang dengan apa adanya. Toh kata dia, “Hanya merubah cara pengungkapan ekspresi saja, dari tarian menjadi ke alat musik.”

Timo wants to be a singer who could also dance like Namie Amuro.  Due to her loves to the music itself, she decides to naturally accept her paths. She said, “It only change the way to express, from dancing into playing musical instrument”.

#Timo belajar alat musik dari tape recorder saja. Pada awalnya dia langsung menyerah untuk belajar gitar. Dia beralih memilih belajar bass hanya karena senarnya lebih sedikit daripada gitar. Sesudahnya, dia baru menyadari tingkat kesulitan dari bass.  

Tomomi learns the instrument only from tape recorder. At the first time, she immediately gave up on learning guitar. She turns to choose the bass just because it had fewer strings than guitar. But afterward she just realize the difficulty level of learning bass.

#Tomomi memetik bass dengan memakai jarinya saja, tanpa menggunakan pick. Ia mulai menerapkan permainan slap pertama kali pada lagu ‘Shunkan Sentimental’. Sejak era Shiroten pun, Tomomi telah mengkombinasikan permainan slap sedikit-sedikit saat bermain live. September 2010, ia mulai bermain bass dengan memakai pick untuk lagu ‘Hi-Hi-Hi’ saat live.

Tomomi play the bass using her fingers, and without using any pick. She began to adopt the slap on ‘Shunkan Sentimental’. Since Shiroten days, Tomomi already combine the slap while playing live. On September 2010, she began to play bass by using pick on live version of ‘Hi-Hi-Hi’.  
Favourite Music & Musician:

Jackson 5, Yuki, Hi Standard, Bluehatch, Cro-Magnons, Southern All Stars, Morning Musume. Rage Against The Machine, Flea-RHCP funky bass play.

Tomomi suka dengan orang yg bisa membodohi dirinya sendiri. (maksudnya bisa melebihi batasan kemampuannya sendiri)

Tomomi loves people who can fool themselves. (who could break their limit) 
CD yang pertama dibeli Tomomi: The Best of Morning Musume. (Timo fansnya Tsuji)

First CD’s Tomomi bought: The Best of Morning Musume. (Timo is Tsuji’s fans)

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