Rabu, 07 November 2012

Kodoku No Gurume (孤独のグルメ) ; The Solitary Gourmet ~Season 1~ (2012) (Part 2)

As I promised, I’ll continue the brief list of episodes from Kodoku No Gurume season 1 ..This is from episode 7 until episode 12 - the last episode. The drama is getting better..Goro’s getting mooore hungrier..From the list, I love episode 8, where Goro continue his battle till the 2nd round..hell yeah! The tastier the dish, the hungrier he will..Of course, the most epic (most dishes he ate..hehe) episode would be the last one. 1 drink, 4 main menu plus 1 dessert, would make everybody stomach goes fulled..Well then, let’s start!!

7.    Neapolitan Pasta of Kichijouji, Musashino city (吉祥寺、武蔵野市).
Shop: Kayashima (カヤシマ).
Address: 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町1-10-9(Tokyo, Musashino-shi, Kichijoji Hon-machi 1-10-9).
Phone: 0422-21-6461.

-    Waku Waku set ~ワクワクセット~ (Neapolitan (ナポリタン)+Hamburger(ハンバーグ)+ a bowl of
      rice - 1150 yen.

8.    Yakiniku of Hatcho-Nawate, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa prefecture (八丁畷、川崎市、神奈川県). 
Shop: Tsuruya, Yakiniku Genghis Khan (つるや焼肉ジンギスカン); Mongolian Mutton Barbecue).
Address: 神奈川県川崎市川崎区日進町19-7(Kanagawa-ken, Kawasaki-shi, Kawasaki-ku, Nisshin-cho 19-7).
Phone: 044-211-0697.
 Goro did a 2 round battle against yakiniku!..He won, of course. Hehe.
カルビ, ハラミ, コプチャン
-    Kyabetsu (キャベツ): Cabbage with special dressing for appetizer.
-    Yakiniku (焼肉) for one; Calvi (カルビ), Harami (ハラミ): midriff, Kopuchan (コプチャン;小腸): chitterlings.
-    Genghis Khan (ジンギスカン): Grilled mutton, Shibire (シビレ; 胸腺): sweetbreads, Chanjya (チャンじゃ): fish innards.
-    Kimchi (キムチ): Korean pickles.

9.    Hiroshima-style Okonomi-yaki of Shimokitazawa, Setagaya Ward (下北沢、世田谷区)
Shop: HIROKI (ひろき).
Address: 東京都世田谷区北沢2-14-14 (Tokyo, Setagaya-ku ,Kitazawa 2-14-14).
Phone: 03-3412-3908.

Okonomiyaki(お好み焼き): a thin, flat cake of unsweetened batter fried with various ingredients.
Teppanyaki (てっぱん焼): Grilled, broiled or pan-fried dishes.

-    Hiroshima Okonomiyaki, Hiroki Special with soba (広島お好み焼き、ひろきスペシャル).
-    Teppanyaki (てっぱん焼); Octopus with Hiroshima Leeks and ponzu (タコの広島ネギとゆずポ
ン酢), Scallops with garlic (ホタテのガーリック焼), Oyster with herb butter(カキの香草バター焼).

10.    Ginger Pork Rice Bowl with Fried Egg of Higashi-Nagasaki, Toshima Ward (東長崎、豊島区). Shop: Taishu Diner, Serizawa (大衆食堂せりざわ).
Address: 東京都豊島区長崎4-28-10 (Tokyo, Toshima-ku Nagasaki 4-28-10).
Phone: 03-3973-0263.
-    Nikujaga (肉じゃが): Meat and Potato Stew.
-    Wi-na- Furai (ウインナーフライ): Deep-fried Wiener/Sausage.
-    Poteto Sarada (ポテトサラダ): Potato Salad.
-    Shouga-yaki Medama-don (しょうが焼目玉丼): Ginger Pork-don with Fried Egg.
11.    Extra Spicy Curry Rice at a Nomiya (Tavern) in Nezu, Bunkyo Ward (根津、文京区).
Shop: Sumire (スミレ).
Address: 東京都文京区根津2-24-8 (Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Nezu 2-24-8).
Phone: 03-3821-8941.
The shop on this episode really reminds me of Shinya Shokudo, cause you can order any food you want, though it’s not on the menu list.
-    Tori no Nikomi (鳥の煮込み): Stewed Chicken.
-    Saba no Sandoichi (鯖のサンドイッチ): Mackerel Sandwich.
-    Toku Kara Kare- Raisu (特幸カレーライス): Special Spicy Curry Rice.
12.    Okinawa Soki-Soba and Agu Pork Broiled with Natural Salt of Nakameguro, 
Meguro Ward (中目黒、目黒区).
Shop: Soka Bokka(草花木果).
Address: 東京都目黒区上目黒2-7-11 (Tokyo, Meguro-ku, Kami-Meguro 2-7-11)
Phone: 03-5722-1055.



On the last but not least episode, Goro hit on 1 drink+ 5 dishes!! The winner, of course..Goro Inogashira!! v^_^…
Darn, my tummy felt so fulled by watching him eat those dishes..And that’s the power of Goro’s rubber tummy!

The author, Qusumi Masayuki also appear in the last episode as one of the customer in the corner ordering Rafute-don..

And I really really love the expression of the waitress when Goro order another menu..What the heck? He wants more?..

-    Painappuru Jyuusu (パイナップルジュース): Pineapple juice.
-    Kurobuta Agu no Okinawa Tennen Shio-yaki (黒豚アグーの沖縄天然塩焼き): Agu Pork broiled with Okinawa’s natural salt.
-    Ninjin Shiri-shiri (にんじんシリシリー): Stir fried carrot.
-    Tako Raisu (タコライス): Taco rice.
-    Soki-Soba (ソーキ(豚の骨付き肉)そば): Pork spare ribs soba/noodles.
-    Buruu Shiiru Aisukuriimu (ブルーシールアイスクリーム): Blue Seal Ice Cream.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Warning!! Do not watch this dorama on an empty stomach!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hope you're all enjoy it. See you in another review of Kodoku Gurume season 2 !!..Can't wait for it!...v(^_^)...


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