James Donald "Jim" Root (Oktober 2, 1971),alias #4,
adalah seorang gitaris yang dikenal di dua band yang berbeda banget alirannya.
Satunya ritem ma lead gitar di
Slipknot, satunya lagi lead gitar di
Stone Sour. Yang pertama kali gw denger, permainan gitarnya di Slipknot. Agak
sulit ngebedainnya klo gak liat live-nya,sih. Tapi, yang jelas tone gitar Jim
lebih tebal dibanding Mick Thompson,tandemnya di Slipknot. Klo di awal album
Slipknot, mereka masih belum unjuk melodi. Tapi, begitu album Subliminal
dirilis, welehh!Melodi gitarnya bener2 shreddd…!!Mungkin mereka bosen kali maen
ritem mulu, makanya begitu dikasih kesempatan,hajar blehh!Gw saranin dengerin
Opium Of The People klo mo dengerin perbedaan sound ma gaya main Jim ma Mick.
Sebenernya yang bikin gw tertarik ma Jim karena dia make Fender Telecaster,
yang notabene jarang dipake gitaris2 metal. Yang baru gw liat baru John 5 (ex
Marilyn Manson) ma Jim ini yang pake Telecaster.
Donald "Jim" Root (born October 2, 1971), alias #4, is a
guitarist who’s known well in two different bands with two different musical
style. He’s a lead &rhytm guitar in Slipknot, while in Stone Sour he plays
part as lead guitar. Firstly I listen him playing his guitar in Slipknot. It’s
kinda difficult to recognize his guitar if we don’t see them live. But, Jim’s
guitar tone more thick than his partner in Slipknot, Mick Thompson. In the
early album, they didn’t show off their true skill on melody-thing. Then, when
Subliminal album issued, damnn!The guitar melody were shredddddyy….!!Maybe
they’re getting bored to play the rhytm pattern. Then, when the chance came,
they blew us away...!!
If you’d like to know the style & sound differences
between Mick and Jim, I recommend you to have a listen on ‘Opium Of The People’.
Actually what makes me interested on Jim, is the fact that he used Telecaster,
which is rarely used by metal guitarists. I’ve only seen John 5 (ex-Marilyn
Manson) and Jim who use this guitar. John 5 pun pake custom tremolo (cat: telecaster emang aslinya gk pake tremolo,kcuali strat y..). Nah, yang Jim punya ini yg standar aj, gak ada tombol tone malahan. Tapi, gak ngehalangin dia buat bermain melodi. Btw, Jim juga banyak menulis bagian lead gitar di album All Hope Is Gone. Makanya, gw demen banget ngeliat dia konser bareng Slipknot. Nah, gw cuma pengen bahas dikit aj plus nampilin rig-nya dia aja..Nih dia, gitar+aksesoris kepunyaan abang Jim!
The one that John 5 use has a tremolo attached on it (note:originally Tele didn’t use any tremolo, except the Strat..). And the one that Jim use had only standard equioment,and there’s no tone knob. But still, he goes crazy on melody. By the way, Jim also wrote several lead part on All Hope Is Gone album. That’s why I like him when he’s going on concert with Slipknot. Now I’d like to mention about him just a lil’bit and also show his rig on this blog. Here’s his guitar+accessories…

Pick-Ups. EMG 81/60 combo
12 Degree Neck Radius
Knobs: 3 Way Toggle, Volume

1.Korg Guitar tuner
2.Digitech Whammy 4 pedal
3.Digitech Tone Driver pedal
4.Dunlop Crybaby 530Q
5.Digitech Synth Wah pedal
6.Digitech Multi-chorus
7.Boss DD-3 Digidelay
8.Dunlop Auto QÊ pedal
9.Maxon AF-9 Audio Filter
10.Dunlop JH3S Jimi Hendrix Octave Fuzz
11.DigiTech SynthWah and Hyper Phaser
12.OD-9 Overdrive
13.Electro-Harmonix Small Stone
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Supply
GCX Guitar Audio Switcher
MXR M-120 Auto Q
GCX Guitar Audio Switcher
MXR M-120 Auto Q
1.Rivera Knucklehead Reverb 6L6
2.Rivera Celestion G12T75-loaded K412 speaker cabinets
3.Orange rockerverb 100 heads with orange 4x12 cabs
~Ernie Ball strings (.011, .015, .018, .028, .038, .058)
1.Rivera Knucklehead Reverb 6L6
2.Rivera Celestion G12T75-loaded K412 speaker cabinets
3.Orange rockerverb 100 heads with orange 4x12 cabs
~Ernie Ball strings (.011, .015, .018, .028, .038, .058)
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