Ono Haruna (小野春菜)
dikenal dengan nama Haruna,
Haru, Haru-tasu.
Lahir di prefektur Aichi, 10
Agustus 1988. Golongan darah A, tinggi badan 153 cm. Haruna memegang
posisi sebagai vokal utama, dan ritem gitar.
Ono Haruna (小野春菜) known as Haruna, Haru, Haru-tasu. Born in Aichi prefecture, Agustus 10th 1988. Blood type A, height 153 cm. Haruna stands as lead vocal and rhythm guitar.
Ono Haruna (小野春菜) known as Haruna, Haru, Haru-tasu. Born in Aichi prefecture, Agustus 10th 1988. Blood type A, height 153 cm. Haruna stands as lead vocal and rhythm guitar.
Sebelum yang lainnya
menjejakkan kaki di dunia hiburan, Haruna telah lebih dulu memulainya. Haruna
telah tampil dalam film Backdancers (2006) sebagai Mika. Haruna juga adalah
penari dari kelompok Super Tigers yang mengiringi Mayu dalam PV-nya, My
Generation. Meski berbakat sebagai penari, tapi
semenjak disarankan untuk belajar menguasai alat musik, Haru akhirnya memilih
karir sebagai musisi. Terkadang bakat menarinya ia salurkan dalam PVnya SCANDAL.
Before the other members step into entertainment world, Haruna
has already step on it. She has appear on Backdancers (2006) movie as Mika.
Haruna is also a dancer from Super Tigers which accompanied Mayu on her PV’s -
My Generation. Though she’s talented as a dancer, but since her teacher suggest
her to learn music instrument, Haru then choose her path as a musician.
Sometimes her dancer’s talent showed on SCANDAL PV’s.
Sebagai vokal utama, Haruna
bertanggung jawab atas kebanyakan lagu-lagu SCANDAL. Salah satunya, Shunkan
Sentimental yang boleh dibilang sebagai lagu trademark SCANDAL. Vokal Haruna yang timbrenya lebih berat memberikan ciri khas tersendiri pada lagu
tersebut. Akan berbeda rasanya bila Tomomi yang
menyanyikan lagu tersebut.

Meski Haruna tinggi badannya
tidaklah setinggi yang lainnya, tapi dialah pemimpin dari SCANDAL. Sebagai
personel yang lebih tua, ia juga menunjukkan dirinya sebagai orang yang bisa
memimpin teman-temannya. Ia juga memberikan kontribusi dalam hal penulisan
lirik lagu-lagu Scandal. Seperti Love Survive, yang merupakan singel andalan
Eventhough her height not as tall as others, but she’s the
SCANDAL leader. As the eldest member, she showed herself as a person who could
lead her friends. She also gave contribution on Scandal’s song lyrics. Such as
Love Survive, their latest single.
Ini dia! Beberapa gitar kepunyaan Haruna sejak ia masih belajar hingga yang sekarang dipakai :
Ini dia! Beberapa gitar kepunyaan Haruna sejak ia masih belajar hingga yang sekarang dipakai :
Now I’d like to show you few from her guitar collections from the first day she learn how to play it until the
recent one she uses:
・Yamaha Pacifica 112 (Black)
・Fender USA Eric Clapton Stratocaster ‘Blackie’ (Black)
・Fender USA Eric Clapton Stratocaster ‘Blackie’ (Black)
・Fender USA American Standard Telecaster (Black, nick name: Shun-kun)
・Takamine Electric Acoustic PT Series (VN)
・Fender Mexico ’69 Telecaster Thinline
(Limited Edition 2002)(Aqua Color)
・Fender Mexico Classic Player Series, Tele
Thinline Deluxe (Black)
・Squire by Fender Classic Vide Tele Thinline Natural (Brown)
・Fender Acoustics Dick Dale Signature Malibu SCE (Surfing Red)
・Squire by Fender Classic Vide Tele Thinline Natural (Brown)
・Fender Acoustics Dick Dale Signature Malibu SCE (Surfing Red)
Yamaha Pacifica 112 (Black)
menggunakannya saat mereka masih bermain di jalanan Shiroten. Jika dilihat
sekilas,gitar ini seperti Stratocaster. Gitar bertipe Strat ini bagian cutawaynya lebih panjang ketimbang Strat
yang asli. Gitar ini muncul tahun 1995, dan sudah tidak dijual lagi tahun 2001.
Harganya 33.000 yen. Gitar ini dijual sebagai beginner set dengan dilengkapi ampli. Harga amplinya sekitar 20-30
ribu yen. Apa sudah dapat diskon, karena gitar ini termasuk barang
bekas?^_^..Ada juga beberapa yang merubahnya menjadi Yamaha Pacifica 112V (Tahun
2010). Btw, Hitomi Yaida dari Unicorn dan Teshima Isamu adalah salah satu pengguna setia
model terbaru Yamaha Pacifica ini.
Haruna use it since Shiroten days. At glance, this look like Stratocaster model. The cutaway part of this Strat type guitar is longer than the real Strat. It was released in 1995, and discontinued in 2001. The price is 33.000 yen. This guitar sold as a beginner set with an amplifier. The amp itself is worth 20-30 thousand yen. We didn't know whether it's already include discount, due to its condition?^_^.. There's also people who's convert it into Yamaha Pacifica 112V (2010). By the way, Hitomi Yaida of Unicorn dan Teshima Isamu is two of the loyal users of this new Yamaha Pacifica.
USA Eric Clapton Stratocaster ‘Blackie’ (Black)
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Haruna with
model Eric Clapton Signature ‘Blackie’. Kamu bisa memastikannya sendiri dengan
melihat tanda tangan Eric Clapton sendiri di bagian head gitar ini. Model gitar inilah yang dipakai Eric Clapton sejak
‘80-an hingga akhir ‘90-an yang menggunakan Lace Sensor Pickup yang tidak
memiliki pole piece. Gitar yg
memiliki fungsi mid-boost ini juga
dipakai oleh Pete Townshend (The Who), Joe Walsh (Eagles), Nakaido Reichi.
Gitar inilah yang dipinjam Haruna dari guru sekolahnya. Desember 2006, Mami-lah
yang pertama kali meminjam untuk dipakainya manggung. Dari awal Desember 2007
hingga sebelum debut mereka di label, baru Haruna-lah yang memakai gitar ini.
Gitar yang dipakai Haruna di PV indie mereka adalah gitar ‘Blackie’ ini. Bagi
Haruna gitar ini cukup berat. Selain karena pickupnya
yang bertipe high output, suara yang
dikeluarkannya juga kelewat bertenaga. Haruna merasa kesulitan untuk
menanganinya. Setelah itu, Haruna memakai gitar Telecaster. Dia tidak ingin
memakai Strat, dan Mami-lah yang kemudian menggunakannya. Untuk beberapa saat,
gitar Tele yang telah mereka beli dipakai sebagai gitar cadangan. Terkadang
Mami memakai Tele jika gitar Strat-nya bermasalah. Btw, siapa sih anggota
SCANDAL yang ngusulin nama Blackie untuk gitar ini?^_^..
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Mami with
Fender USA American Standard
Telecaster (Black,
nick name: Shun-kun)
Gitar ini
adalah tipe modernnya Fender American Standard. Bridgenya memakai 6 saddle.
Harganya 189.000 yen. Haruna mengganti pickguardnya
dengan yang bertipe White Pearl. Strap
pin-nya juga ia ganti dengan yang
rock type. Gitar ini dipakai sejak
awal Juli 2008. Haruna = Telecaster! Itulah yang terpikir di benak kita. Nama
gitar ini Shun-kun. Haruna pikir nama itulah yang terdengar keren dan fresh. Ia memberi nama cowok agar ia bisa jatuh cinta dengan gitarnya dan lalu kemampuan musiknya bisa meningkat! Itulah
sebabnya tiap anggota SCANDAL memberi nama kesayangan pada alat musik mereka.Kesederhanaan Telecaster itulah yg aku suka!
This was the modern version of Fender American Standard model. The bridge use 6 saddle. The price is 189.000 yen. Haruna change the pickup into White Pearl type. She also change the strap pin with the rock type. She use the guitar since the early July 2008. Haruna=Telecaster! That's the image that set in our mind. This guitar was named as Shun-kun. She thought that name was sound so cool and fresh. She gave it men's name so she could fall in love with her guitar and then, her ability would improve more better! That's why each SCANDAL member gave nick name to their own instrument! The Telecaster simplicity, that's what I like!
Takamine Electric Acoustic PT Series (Vintage Natural)
Juli 2009,
gitar ini muncul di blognya Haruna.
Gitar ini dipakai di konser akustik mereka di Music Fair bulan Oktober tahun
yang sama. Sepertinya ini tipe gitar lama Takamine, karena jika melihat beragam
desain gitar yang ada di katalognya di internet, tidak ada tipe gitar yang
cocok dengan gitar ini. Jika diperkirakan dari speknya, kemungkinan gitar ini
model PT-112(ST) atau PT-118(ST). Position
mark-nya (tanda di fret) yang
berbentuk oval seperti Pac-Man, sepertinya merupakan fitur gitar mewah Takamine.
Harga PT-112(ST) berkisar 120.000 yen dan PT-118(ST) 180.000 yen. Fitur dari
gitar ini adalah colokan terminal
outputnya ada dua. End pin-nya
untuk output mono, dan di bawahnya
ada output untuk yang stereo.
Awal 80-an,
Konosuke Sakazaki dari The Alfee menggunakan gitar Takamine di lagu ‘Marianne’,
lalu mereka pun melejit dan meraih ketenaran. Secara kebetulan, gitar yang SCANDAL pakai
di Music Fair pun sama dengan yang dipakai The Alfee…(mungkin karena itu,
mereka lalu jadi tenar^_^)
July 2009, this guitar show up on her blog. The guitar also used on their acoustic live performance in Music Fair on October, the same year. It seems that it's Takamine old guitar type. If we search various Takamine guitar designs on its catalogue in the internet, we could't find any type that match with this one. If based on its spec, the closest one is PT-112(ST) or PT-118(ST) model. The oval position mark that looks like Pac-man is one of the Takamine deluxe guitar feature. The price of PT-112(ST) about 120.000 yen and PT-118(ST) is 180.000 yen. This guitar had two output terminal features. The end-pin is for the mono-output, and below the end-pin there's also stereo-output terminal.
On early 80's, Konosuke Sakazaki of The Alfee use this guitar on their 'Marianne' song. And then, they gained their famous immediately. It may seems coincidence, but the guitar that SCANDAL used on the Music Fair was the same guitar that The Alfee had used on their 'Marianne' song...(Maybe due to that, they became famous..^_^)
July 2009, this guitar show up on her blog. The guitar also used on their acoustic live performance in Music Fair on October, the same year. It seems that it's Takamine old guitar type. If we search various Takamine guitar designs on its catalogue in the internet, we could't find any type that match with this one. If based on its spec, the closest one is PT-112(ST) or PT-118(ST) model. The oval position mark that looks like Pac-man is one of the Takamine deluxe guitar feature. The price of PT-112(ST) about 120.000 yen and PT-118(ST) is 180.000 yen. This guitar had two output terminal features. The end-pin is for the mono-output, and below the end-pin there's also stereo-output terminal.
On early 80's, Konosuke Sakazaki of The Alfee use this guitar on their 'Marianne' song. And then, they gained their famous immediately. It may seems coincidence, but the guitar that SCANDAL used on the Music Fair was the same guitar that The Alfee had used on their 'Marianne' song...(Maybe due to that, they became famous..^_^)
Fender Mexico ’69 Telecaster Thinline (Limited Edition 2002)(Aqua Color)
Sejak awal
Oktober 2009, untuk beberapa lama Haruna mencoba memakai Thinline yang berwarna
aqua ini. Bahkan ia memakainya saat
konser mereka di bulan Desember tahun yang sama. Setelah itu barulah Thinline
Deluxe hitam yang kemudian menjadi gitar utamanya.
Haruna mencoba memakainya karena body gitar
yang semi hollow ini cukup ringan.
Faktor lain yang membuat Haruna terpesona adalah ‘Cat laminasi pinknya yang
tergradasi’ atau juga karena inilah ‘Telecaster yang bener2 imut’. Haruna
mengabaikan harganya yang hampir mendekati 3 digit ini. (setelah gw cek di
internet, harganya kira2 267.750 yen). Ia menyebutkan laminasi pink itu sebagai sesuatu yang tak terbantahkan. Di beberapa kesempatan, Haruna seringkali
menyinggung hal tersebut. November
tahun yang sama, ia memakai Telecaster custom
hitam untuk latihan.
Haruna memakai 69 Telecaster Thinline berwarna aqua pastel. Setelah mencari-cari dan melihat referensi, ternyata
model gitar yang keluar tahun 2002 ini adalah buatan Mexico. Di situs Fender
Jepang hampir tidak ada informasi mengenai hal ini. Informasi ini justru
diperoleh dari situs Fender di luar Jepang.
Ada lima
warna yang tersedia yaitu Shell Pink, Surf Green, Lake Placid Blue, Daphne Blue
dan Candy Apple Red. Gitar yang Haruna pakai kemungkinan yang berwarna Surf
Green atau Daphne Blue. Kedua warna tersebut hampir mirip, dan kita tidak bisa
memastikan hanya dengan melihat gambarnya saja.
Since the early October 2009, Haruna tried for a while this aqua color Thinline. She even used it on their live in December of the same year. Afterward, she use the black Thinline Deluxe which then became her main guitar. Haruna tried it cause its semi hollow body was light enough. Other things that made her stunned was 'the gradation of the laminated pink color' or maybe cause it was 'The most cute Telecaster'. She ignored its price that almost closed to three digit (hundred thousands; after checked through the net, I found out that it worth 267.750 yen). She said that the laminated pink color was the undeniable thing. She mentioned it several times on few occasions. On November, the same year, she use black custom Telecaster for rehearsal.
The ones she used is aqua pastel 69 Telecaster Thinline. After searching and also based on the reference, this guitar model that released on 2002 was made in Mexico. On Japan's Fender website, there's almost no information on this guitar. Instead, we got the information from Fender website aside from Fender Japan.
There's five colour available. Shell Pink, Surf Green, Lake Placid Blue, Daphne Blue and Candy Apple Red. The ones that she use probably the Surf Green or Daphne Blue color. Both color were closely similar. We couldn't confirm the real color based only on its picture.
Since the early October 2009, Haruna tried for a while this aqua color Thinline. She even used it on their live in December of the same year. Afterward, she use the black Thinline Deluxe which then became her main guitar. Haruna tried it cause its semi hollow body was light enough. Other things that made her stunned was 'the gradation of the laminated pink color' or maybe cause it was 'The most cute Telecaster'. She ignored its price that almost closed to three digit (hundred thousands; after checked through the net, I found out that it worth 267.750 yen). She said that the laminated pink color was the undeniable thing. She mentioned it several times on few occasions. On November, the same year, she use black custom Telecaster for rehearsal.
The ones she used is aqua pastel 69 Telecaster Thinline. After searching and also based on the reference, this guitar model that released on 2002 was made in Mexico. On Japan's Fender website, there's almost no information on this guitar. Instead, we got the information from Fender website aside from Fender Japan.
There's five colour available. Shell Pink, Surf Green, Lake Placid Blue, Daphne Blue and Candy Apple Red. The ones that she use probably the Surf Green or Daphne Blue color. Both color were closely similar. We couldn't confirm the real color based only on its picture.
Fender Mexico Classic Player Series, Tele Thinline Deluxe (Black)
Gitar ini
dipakai sejak Januari 2010. Tele Thinline Deluxe ini adalah model hybrid yang merupakan kombinasi dari
struktur semi solid Telecaster Thinline yang menggunakan 2 humbucker wide range dan Telecaster
Deluxe dengan control layoutnya.
Gitar ini merupakan produk bulan Desember 2009. Harganya 141.750 yen. Haruna
jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama dengan gitar ini, klik disini.
Meski ia
sempat memakai Thinline Aqua saat konser di bulan Desember 2009, ia telah
memilih untuk membeli gitar berwarna hitam ini. Seiring dengan berkembangnya
band, ia menjadikan gitar yang memakai humbucker bersuara tebal
sebagai gitar utamanya. Sama seperti Mami yang melakukan hal serupa.
memilih gitar ini karena bodi bagian dalamnya terbuat dari chestnut dan
strukturnya semi solid, yang membuat gitar ini ringan. Sebelum membeli
gitar/bass Fender mereka sempat memakai berbagai gitar pinjaman.Sekarang, ketiga
personil Scandal ini sepertinya telah diendorse oleh Fender.
guitar was used since January 2010. This Tele Thinline Deluxe is a hybrid
model, combination from semi solid structure of Telecaster Thinline using two
wide range humbucker and Telecaster Deluxe with its control layout. This was
issued on December 2009. Price is 141.750 yen. Haruna fell in love at the first
sight with this guitar, for further details, click here.
she use the Aqua Thinline on their live performance in December 2009, but she
have chose to purchase this black color guitar. Along with the band evolution,
she had choose the guitar with thick sound humbucker as her main guitar.
Similar with Mami who had done the same thing.
chose this guitar cause its chestnut internal bodies, and semi solid structure
made its weight lighter. Before bought Fender bass/guitar, the three SCANDAL
members had use various borrowed guitar. Right now, it seems that they already
endorsed by Fender.
Squire by Fender Classic Vide Tele Thinline Natural (Brown)
nick name: Ryou-kun
Fender Acoustics Dick Dale Signature Malibu SCE (Surfing Red)
Squire by Fender Classic Vide Tele Thinline Natural (Brown)
nick name: Ryou-kun
Fender Acoustics Dick Dale Signature Malibu SCE (Surfing Red)
Squier by Fender / Telecaster HH “HARUNA MODEL”
(Silver Spark + Skull Paint)

Sebelumnya kita sudah mengetahui bahwa gitar yang akan menjadi model pertamanya ini adalah gitar Telecaster. Dengan sound antara Shun-kun dan Thinline DX, gitar ini mengambil yang terbaik dari kedua gitar tersebut. Disebutkan pula bahwa gitar ini adalah kombinasi kekuatan dan perasaan yang solid.
Dengan dua humbucker dan level switch di bagian kiri pelat, sepertinya gitar ini dibuat berdasarkan spesifikasi Blacktop Telecaster HH yang digunakan saat konser tahun lalu.
Gaya desainnya yang menyolok ini cukup mengejutkan, karena biasanya Haruna selalu menggunakan warna hitam. Coating-nya sama dengan sparkle finishing Sabao~kun-nya Tomomi, dan dengan preferensi dari gitar artis luar seperti Avril Lavigne dan Taylor Swift.
Meski memiliki gambar tengkorak yang terlihat sangar, tapi desainnya menjadi unik dengan tambahan kaki yang membuatnya 'manga banget'. Ya, tengkorak plus kaki sudah cukup 'manga', bukan?
Gitar ini sudah cukup mendekati selera kesukaan Haruna.
Yah, sebenarnya agak cukup lama bagi seorang artis wanita muda untuk mendapatkan gitar modelnya sendiri. Di blognya, Haruna mengatakan, "Siapapun bisa mendapatkan suatu hari nanti..". Yah, hal seperti itu belum bisa dipastikan, sih.
Haruna’s first signature model guitar was introduced on Nihon Budokan live concert in March 28th2012. “I couldn’t imagine playing any other guitar beside Telecaster”, she said about it particularly.
It has been notified earlier that her signature guitar would be a Telecaster. With the sound between Shun-kun and Thinline DX, this guitar took the best from both sides, and it’s said this guitar combine solid feelings and power.
With two humbucker, and level switch on the left side of the plate, it seems the specification is based on the Blacktop Telecaster HH that’s used on the live concert last year.
The flashy new design style is surprising, cause Haruna usually only stick to black color. The coating has the same sparkle finishing like Tomomi’s Sabao-kun. The glittery sparkle finished is according to preference from foreign celebrity such as Avril Lavigne, and Taylor Swift.
Though it had rugged looks skull, but it has a unique design of growing legs that’s manga-like. Well, skull and legs should do that, I guess?
This guitar is a special piece that closely to Haruna’s favorite taste.
Well, it would take a while for a young woman artist to achieve her own signature model.” On the blog, she has been said, “By any chance, everyone might be able to achieve that too one day..”, but seems like it’s haven’t settled yet.
Haruna efek dan lainnya:
BOSS DD-3 (Delay)
Fulltone FULL-DRIVE 2 (Overdrive)
Fulltone FULL-DRIVE 2 (Overdrive)

BOSS TU-2 (Tuner)
Providence / PEC-04(Effect Controller)
SHINOS Luck V6 ‘Haruna Model’(White, Guitar Amp)
Sedikit hal
tentang Haruna :
Few things
about Haruna:
2006, Haruna mulai belajar gitar setelah disarankan oleh gurunya di sekolah
vokal & tari. Bersama anggota lainnya mereka segera memakai alat musik yang
mereka beli sendiri. Mereka membeli alat musik untuk pemula yang harganya
On 2006, she began to learn how to play guitars
after her teacher in vocal & dance school suggest her. With the other
members, they immediately use their own musical instruments they bought by
their own. They bought the cheap
beginner model music instrument.
ingin menjadi seperti Namie Amuro, oleh karena itu sejak kelas 6 SD ia telah
belajar menari. Ia tampil di film Backdancer (2006). Sampai saat itu, menari
telah menjadi bagian dari jiwanya. Awalnya ia tidak berkeinginan menjadi
pemain band. Sejak kecil, ia sudah bermimpi ingin masuk ke dunia showbiz, dan ia berusaha menjaga
cita-cita tersebut.
wants to become like Namie Amuro,therefore she learn to dance since 6th
grade of elementary school. She appeared on Backdancer (2006) movie. Until
then, dancing has become her soul. In the beginning, she doesn’t want to become
a band player. Since little, she had a dream to enter showbiz world, and she
tries to keep those dreams.
#Pada dasarnya
Haruna memang punya keinginan untuk menyanyi. Jika berbicara tentang vokal,
yang ada di pikirannya adalah bernyanyi sambil bermain gitar. Itulah sebabnya
ia memilih gitar.
Basically, Haruna already had a desire to sing. If
we talk about vocal, one thing that comes to her mind is singing while playing
guitar.That’s the reason why she choose guitar instead.
pertama yang dimainkannya dengan gitar adalah Glamorous Sky-nya Mika Nakashima.
First song she played on guitar is Mika Nakashima’s
Glamorous Sky.
pertama kali bernyanyi sambil bermain gitar, Haruna merasa kesulitan.”Rasanya
seperti mulut dan tanganku bekerja secara bersamaan..lol”, tuturnya.
At the first time, she feels quite difficult to
sing while playing guitar.”Feels like my hand and mouth working together at the
same time..lol”, she said.
pernah belajar piano ketika masih SD, tapi kata Haruna ia tidak terlalu
Though she had learn to play piano when she’s at
elementary school, she said she didn’t like it very much.
pernah bekerja paruh waktu, menyortir Soyjoy di pabrik Otsuka.
Haruna had worked part-time at Otsuka factory,
sorting Soyjoy.
Favourite Artist & Musician:
Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Momsen, Adam Lambert, Michael Jackson, Namie
Amuro, SPEED, Tohoshinki, SS501, KARA, Triceratops, Asian Kungfu Generation,
Green Day, Orianthi, Avril Lavigne live performance.
Haruna, salah satu faktor untuk mengidolakan seseorang adalah penampilan.
For Haruna, the looks/appearance is one of few
factor that made her idolize some person.
CD yang
pertama dibeli Haruna: Namie Amuro – Don’t Wanna Cry.
First CD’s Haruna bought: Namie Amuro – Don’t Wanna
http://ameblo.jp/su2009, wikipedia..
http://ameblo.jp/su2009, wikipedia..
ijin copas gan ^^
BalasHapusSip,gan! Jangan lupa tulis sumbernya,okeh?v^_^..
Hapusblognya apa, gan?
Lha bisa mirip lah,gan..Kalimat introduksi personilnya ane yg ketik sendiri.
BalasHapusDari detil gear2nya sampai artis favorit mereka ane translate sendiri dari: http://scandal4gear.web.fc2.com/..
agan bisa cek sendiri di web itu ada link blog ane..
Thanks buat konfirmasinya, gan! Yang penting semua jelas darimana asalnya..
ok, salam SCANDALous juga!..v^_^..case closed.
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